A Cairn for our Brindled One

by Leland Jamieson

For G.K.J.

Three months ago we couldn’t fail to note
our cairn had built up tarter — quite a lot.
His pre-op blood work showed up fine. A quote:
“Strong heart — all organs function as they ought
for a dog fourteen. The risk to him’s remote . . . .”

The last six days he’d not eat diddley-squat.
His thirst increased, his brown eyes lost their clown,
his ears drew back in pain. We’re so distraught!
How could the vet’s own blood work — he’s renowned —
have failed to flag a pancreas cancer’s knot?

We buried him with hearts of eiderdown,
with cairn of glacial stones we piled abreast —
some stumbled on in forest leaves all brown,
some blocking, deep, the way of his deep rest
our shovel clanged upon as we dug down.

© 2006 by Leland Jamieson


About the Author

Leland Jamieson, a performing arts center manager for most of his working life, is retired and lives in East Hampton, Connecticut, USA. His recent and forthcoming work appears in Bellowing Ark, Blue Unicorn, Noneuclidean Café, Raintown Review, and 3rd Muse. He has gathered a number of published formal poems, some with streaming audio, under the title Needles in a Pinewood at www.geocities.com/lelandjamieson. He is hawking a 60-page book manuscript by the same name.


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