Pilgrim's Progress

by Leland Jamieson

Sophomores’ Pool Party

A dozen boys, in dripping knee-length shorts,
behind them skinny girls, bikini-clad —
all barefoot — sprint downhill. The race aborts.
The tarmac, sizzling late June sun, forbade
and quickly detoured their ‘olympiad’.
They sit in clumps on neighbors’ cooler grasses —
hot-footed sheepish lads and social lasses.

On Tiptoe

On tiptoe towards the mirror every dawn,
the little man with little chin takes care,
near his goatee, lest he look woebegone.
Too light a stroke leaves too much stubbled hair;
too bold, and he may leave some chin quite bare.
Thank god that he has lots of perseverance —
essential to keep up a man’s appearance.

Estate Planning

A man works hard to fill his life with gold,
or, writing books, with feeling, intellect —
perhaps with kids to care for him when old.
By these he seeks control, strives to perfect
his power, make it so it runs unchecked.
And, late, perhaps, he’ll come to see that knot
of character he’ll both take — and lay to rot.

© 2008 by Leland Jamieson


About the Author

Leland Jamieson, a performing arts center manager for most of his working life, is retired and lives in East Hampton, Connecticut, USA. His recent and forthcoming work appears in Bellowing Ark, Blue Unicorn, Noneuclidean Café, Raintown Review, and 3rd Muse. He has gathered a number of published formal poems, some with streaming audio, under the title Needles in a Pinewood at www.geocities.com/lelandjamieson. He is hawking a 60-page book manuscript by the same name.


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